Saturday, January 11, 2014

Weekly Goals for January 12-18th, 2014

So,   Crystal from Money Saving Mom is a big fan of goals.  Because I read her blog on a somewhat regular basis I have decided to make my own first-ever weekly list of goals.  I did read other people's blog about goals and here are the two blogs that most influenced this list:  Crystal's Goals and Michelle's Goals.

As I re-read Crystal's list it occurred to me that she only listed out ten goals which is probably wise.  Perhaps next time I will limit myself to ten goals as well.

But, for what it's worth . . .here's my rough-draft list.  Let's see how things go.  :)

PS:  I apologize for my sloppy posts the last couple of days ( including today).  I did not realize how bad they look until I took a minute to preview them . . .I am still new at this and do not know how to make things look the way I want them to look without spending more time than I have on the blog.

My Personal List

1. Go to the Library & Find Books On

~  Goals
~ Home Money Management
~ A Random Book
~ Gratitude
~ Relationships
~ Blogs 

2. Research Flylady for Guidance on Weekend Cleaning/Extra cleaning beyond Morning Routine

3.  Spend 30 minutes working on menu planning
4.  Spend 30 minutes working on how to use coupons
5.  Buy a Sunday Paper.  Look for coupons you'd like to use on Sunday Afternoon


1.  Bring the Windows into the House.  Talk to Hubby about where to hang them.  Look for appropriate pictures to go behind the windows.  Praise him excessively for bringing them home for you.

2.  Look for a chair for K

3.  Pray for Sunday to Go Smoothly.  Don't let your attitude stink.  Have the kiddos pick out their clothes on Sat. so they are ready to go in the morning. Pick out your own outfit Sat. night.  Make muffins or something so people have something to grab on their way out the door.

4.  Write a love note to Hubby;  put it in his truck

5.  Research and start to write out a plan for how the kids can successfully clean their rooms and keep it clean.  Praise them excessively for their good work in this area.

6.  Ask Hubby how we can keep E's artwork on the wall.


1.  Make sure you do nightly meals as much as possible
2.  Pray with the kiddos before they leave the house.
3.  Find 2 breakfast ideas that they express some enthusiasm for
4.  Make at least one of those ideas this week

Blogging Goals

1.  Blog M-F
2.  Read other people's blogs on Sat. 
3.  Comment on at least on other person's blog on Sat
4.  See if my blog has a search button.  If not, try to figure out how to put one on it.

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