Monday, January 20, 2014

How My Goals For Jan 12 - 18th Turned Out

At the bottom of this post is my first ever "to-do" list of personal goals for a week;  I think I did pretty good with it.

I do think that maybe I was overly ambitious.  I kind of got on a couponing/meal-planning tangent.  I ended up finding a site about taking survey's for money and was very excited that I racked up $5 dollars in just a few minutes.  Then I realized I had to do $30 before I could GET my money.  But Secondborn needed help with Algebra and I couldn't do both . . .poke around on the site and help Secondborn.  So maybe that won't be an option for me, but if you want to check it out, click here.

I don't know if I am going to have "blog" goals this coming week.   Honestly, I am happy if my blog helps other people and I hope it does but I don't really enjoy playing around with formatting and such ( I wish I DID enjoy that because I like looking at other people's "pretty" blogs) and even though it would be nice to earn money off of my blog . . .I think I need to concentrate on just making sure I have the time to write on a regular basis right now!

Also, trying to do extra stuff kind of derailed my MAIN objective, to get up early every day in January.  I got worn out and even though I woke up at seven I didn't get out of bed on Sunday morning or this morning ( Martin Luther King Jr. day . . .kid's don't have school).   Not getting up early also messed with my keeping the house in order which makes me sad.  I like having a clean kitchen smiling at me when I get up early.

The truth is, Hubby also likes me to have extra time to do things with him.  Twice this week he asked me to go out with him in the evening to check out sales on items we need.  And this weekend he took the kids and I on an impromptu road trip to pick up work supplies.  It was to a pretty part of the country that I've never been to and I loved going but it did mess with my getting up in the morning as we stayed up late at the hotel swimming in the pool . . .

So being out late several nights did mess with my getting up early.  And not getting up early seriously messes with my quiet time and blogging time.  I can do it with the kids around but it is not nearly as enjoyable.  I end up having to stop every two or three minutes and say things like "Littlest!  You can color on paper, but not on the floor."  Then I go get a rag, hand it to her and teach her how to clean up the mess.   Then she cries and I comfort her.  You can see how this is less than ideal for any kind of thinking activity, lol.

So, basically, this is my conclusion about this week's goals:

Less Goals.  Do Better With the Ones You Choose to Do.  Remember that People are More important that Things and be Thankful that Your People want you around!!!

And I am not going to go look at other people's goals this week or I will feel bad about mine.  Not a good thing.  I have compared myself to people in other areas and felt like this:  I won't even try XYZ project because I can never be as good as So and So!  Never!  So what's the point?

So this week's goals are

1.  Get up at or before 7 every day all week
2.  Use either Ibotta or Checkout 51 on your grocery receipt
3.  Shop at CVS using my CVS extra bucks and buy make-up for self and daughter. Hopefully        they'll have some on sale!
4.  Make a meal plan before going grocery shopping;  look in fridge to see what you already have and plan around that.
5.  Make sure to quiz Thirdborn every day on her spelling words in preparation for the upcoming spelling bee.
6.  Go to Flylady's site and read about routines.  Try to find something there to implement into my life.
7.  Call a potential friend.  Have her over for coffee.  Talk to Hubby about a potential Super Bowl party and who we could invite.
8.  Reserve Ann Voskamps book, One Thousand Gift's from the library.  Click here to see more.  :)

The List that Was Too Much from Jan 12 - 18th

My Personal List

1. Go to the Library & Find Books On

~  Goals
~ Home Money Management
~ A Random Book
~ Gratitude
~ Relationships
~ Blogs 

2. Research Flylady for Guidance on Weekend Cleaning/Extra cleaning beyond Morning Routine

3.  Spend 30 minutes working on menu planning
4.  Spend 30 minutes working on how to use coupons
5.  Buy a Sunday Paper.  Look for coupons you'd like to use on Sunday Afternoon


1.  Bring the Windows into the House.  Talk to Hubby about where to hang them.  Look for appropriate pictures to go behind the windows.  Praise him excessively for bringing them home for you.

2.  Look for a chair for K

3.  Pray for Sunday to Go Smoothly.  Don't let your attitude stink.  Have the kiddos pick out their clothes on Sat. so they are ready to go in the morning. Pick out your own outfit Sat. night.  Make muffins or something so people have something to grab on their way out the door.

4.  Write a love note to Hubby;  put it in his truck

5.  Research and start to write out a plan for how the kids can successfully clean their rooms and keep it clean.  Praise them excessively for their good work in this area.

6.  Ask Hubby how we can keep E's artwork on the wall.


1.  Make sure you do nightly meals as much as possible
2.  Pray with the kiddos before they leave the house.
3.  Find 2 breakfast ideas that they express some enthusiasm for
4.  Make at least one of those ideas this week

Blogging Goals

1.  Blog M-F
2.  Read other people's blogs on Sat. 
3.  Comment on at least on other person's blog on Sat
4.  See if my blog has a search button.  If not, try to figure out how to put one on it.

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