Saturday, January 4, 2014

Pressing On: Maintaing Willpower in Regards to Goals

I am going to talk about maintaining willpower in regards to goals today.

If you have read the last few blog entries I've posted, you know that I am trying to establish a new habit:  I want to get up earlier!

So I am going to talk about that goal today.  I'll put some ideas out there and number them to make it easier to follow so that I can be encouraged in my fight to get up earlier.  You feel free to insert YOUR personal goal into the principles discussed and be encouraged, too.

I was surprised and delighted to find that in the beginning of her awesome book,   The How (and Wow!) of Habits,   Carrie Willard of talks about the same things I'll be blogging on today and so I'm making sure you have a link to her website so that you can get over there and research her further if you like what you are reading here.

So here we go:  I am maintaing this goal, this "Habit-to-Be" because:

1.  My "Habit-to-Be" is a GREAT Habit.  I am going to make a list of WHY this is a great habit to have and tape it to my mirror to remind me daily of WHY I am doing this.

One of the first concepts that Carrie discusses is this:  not all habits are created equal.  Some have a "spillover" effect, meaning that if you establish one habit, it leads to other habits.  For example, if you start making your bed every morning, chances are you will start picking up the socks beside the bed and tossing them into the laundry basket instead of letting them mildew beside the bed.  :)

She lists out some great keystone habits and one of them is eliminating negative talk.  I am mentioning this because perhaps I will work on THIS keystone habit next.  I'm not sure.  Do you see how the fact that I am up early, blogging, is a positive thing?  It is giving me the time to think about my NEXT keystone habit.

It is also great for me to establish my GREAT Habit, not just for me but for others.  Here is a way to remember that:  take a moment and draw a picture.  Write "Me" in the middle of a piece of paper and around it enough lines to radiate out as there are people that are very close to you.  Write their names at the other end of the lines.  In my case, I'd put "Me Up Earlier" in the center and then my Hubby and kids on the other end of the lines.  That would remind me of WHY I'm trying to get up earlier.  Because it helps me, but also THEM.

2.  My "Habit-to-Be" is a Habit that is Easy to Plan Out

A.  I must share my vision with Hubby.  I think he'll get on board because he likes a hot breakfast and because he'll grasp the spillover concept.

B.  I must go to bed earlier.  This is crucial.  It is hard for me to go to bed earlier because I like to hang out with Hubby after the children are all tucked in . . .but if I am intentional about getting myself in bed and establishing a bedtime routine for my Hard-to-Get-to-Sleep Child, this is definitely achievable.

C.  I must research this concept and implement other people's ideas.  Carrie has a list in her book: 9 tips to help you become an early riser.  If I read that list and write out beside each of her recommendations exactly how that will play out in MY life, I will be that much closer to my goal.  I don't have to reinvent the wheel and neither do you.  Go ahead and research how other people have achieved the same goal that you are trying to achieve.  That's being smart.  :)

3.  My "Habit-to-Be" is Not the Most Important Thing

What is the most important thing?  Why am I getting up earlier?

I am getting up earlier because I want to be a better wife, a better mother, a better person.  That is why I am getting up earlier.  If I get up late one day and it ruins my WHOLE day because all I can think about is how I have failed, how I am a miserable wretch, etc, etc, then I am missing the point.  And so are you if you beat yourself up over something like overeating or missing a day of exercise.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this:  don't lose sight of why you are working towards establishing this habit.  Don't make the habit your "god".  Let it work for you instead of you working for it.  That is how it is meant to be.

Above all, give yourself grace.  When, and if you mess up, which you will do because we ALL mess up sometimes, treat yourself as kindly as you would treat your best friend.

Remind yourself of your good qualities, of past triumphs and envision future victories.  And then join  Paul in saying these words "One thing I do:  Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." ~ Philippians 3:13b-14

Life is a marathon, not a sprint.  Treat it as such and remind yourself that you are doing a great thing for yourself and others when you press on!
And now . . .

Press on my friend, press on!