Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Why Don't People Chase Their Dreams?

Why do people sit and do nothing very profitable, such as playing internet games with no point?  Why?

Here are my top reasons why people don't do anything towards their dreams.

Number One:  No Dreams!

I have been guilty of sitting and doing nothing very profitable at many points in my life.  During some of those points I was so depressed and so discouraged that I couldn't see anything good anywhere.  Or even if I could "see" it, I couldn't "feel" it and that was horribly frightening and terrible.

So I 'd stay tucked in bed as long as possible and when I got up I would inevitably be greeted by chaos and then I'd want to retreat into my bedroom and close the door until I could muster up the strength to go out there and face the music.

Number Two:  Overwhelming Feelings of Being Alone and Not Knowing Where to Find Help

I felt so alone at that point in my life;  not physically.  I had three small children, a rat terrier and of course, my loving and faithful husband.   What a wonderful man!  But even my husband who always knew how to fix everything didn't know how to fix me.

The first two doctor's we saw didn't know how to fix me, either.  In fact, I got worse.

It was truly awful and I hated who I was and my inability to be the person I'd always expected to be.  I didn't even feel like I could reach out to my friends because at that point I was so bad at being a friend . . .I couldn't have someone over for coffee and chat because I had nothing to say to and besides, I couldn't really find the kitchen table.

Number Three:  Lack of Belief that the Dreams Could Really Come True/Lack of Belief in Self

Now I've conquered number one and number two.  I can think of things I'd like to do now (number one) .  I haven't written them all down and made them crystal clear goals, but if you asked me about my "bucket list", I'd be able to tell you about things I'd like to try, places I'd like to go, opportunities I would like to provide for my children.

I'm reaching out to people here in this new town (number two).  It's slow, but I do reach out and they reach back.  Also, I call friends from the places we've lived before and keep in touch.  I find that if you treat people well, they treat you well.

But back to Number Three:

One of the things I'd like to see happen involves networking marketing.  I could really use the money for my family.  I have been talking to a friend about a business opportunity and she's been pushing me;  she's being involved in this company for awhile now and she thinks I've got "what it takes."  I'm balking.  Honestly, balking.  I believe in the product.  ( It's the only thing that we've found that could get my Hubby to stop drinking Red Bull and apparently it has helped other people stop drinking Mountain Dew,  Diet Soda, Coffee . . .and it is a plant based vitamin drink.  What's not to love about that?)

But for some reason I have this mental block.  I can't talk about this product and this company with people.  They'll think I'm pushy and I don't want to be perceived as pushy.  But I'd sure love to earn extra money for my kids and I'd sure love to win a trip or two.  That would be awesome!  But other people are the one's who are wildly successful at this kind of thing, not me.

Number Four:  Lack of a Plan

Now I think that Number Three can be conquered.  It will just take getting a plan of action put into place and then implementing the plan.  So the way to solve number three is simple: solve number Four!  Make a Plan and then . . .

Go Forth and Do.

So let's summarize:  If you are sitting on your butt doing nothing you need to

1.  Get a Dream!  You probably have one stashed in the closet of your mind, back from when you were young and thought you could conquer the world!  Get it out.  Dust it off.

2.  Realize you aren't alone.  The internet alone is full of support groups and forums;  Real life is better;  I recommend taking your dog to the dog park, if you have a dog, or your child to the park, if you have a child.  If you are dogless and childless, take yourself out walking, and to church.  There are people in those places!

3.  Build confidence in yourself.   Think about things you've done in the past.  You've accomplished things you didn't want to do at the time because it was painful:  school projects, athletic goals, etc.  And see Number 4!

4.  Make a plan.  Get a friend to help you and if you  don't have that then, go on and read about goal-setting and habits and such.  Thousands of people have changed their lives by making plans.  You can, too.  For more on my personal goal setting and such look over my archives . . .or just click here if you don't feel like choosing one yourself.


~ Jennifer

PS:  If you feel like I used to feel when it comes to not being able to get out of bed or face the world, please, please find someone to help you figure that out.  If I can go from being basically non-functional to happy to face the day every morning, you can, too.

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