Monday, January 13, 2014

It Sure Is Monday; An Update on my Goals

So I decided I am going to set a goal EVERY month this year.  I want them to be keystone habits and to have spillover effects.  For more on what a keystone habit is, click here.  You'll be inspired, I promise!

I won't decide on February's goal until the end of January and so forth.  That way if I decide that I need to "tweak" the direction I'm headed mid-year I won't feel like I'm locked into something I set in January.

Here's a quick review of January's goal:

January's Goal:  Get up by seven every day during January.

How's that going for me?  Well, pretty good.  I have started setting my alarm for a bit before seven so that if I want to hit the snooze once or twice I can, though I know that some experts on getting up earlier say that is a bad habit.

I think I could make my mornings even smoother by laying my clothes out the night before.  I have to leave the lights low because our youngest still sleeps in our room.

I am in an awkward place.  Second born gets up at 5:45 and he doesn't leave for school until 7:20.   This is every day Monday through Friday.   It means I'd be in the kitchen doing my devotions with another person which might feel awkward.  But then again . . .maybe not and it would be a good example to set for him.  And if I wait until the older two leave at 7:20 I'm getting a late start on homeschooling and such because it takes awhile to do my devotions and blog.

Yesterday was Sunday and I still got up early.  Hubby had asked a buddy over to watch football in the afternoon so that was great motivation for me to clean the main floor bathroom.  I also got the dishwasher unloaded and fried up eggs for the kiddos.

Honestly, I should have cut the cleaning short, though because I started the getting ready for church process later than I should have.  BUT . . .

Getting ready for church required almost no thought because I had laid out clothes the night before, not just for me, but also for the two younger girls.  We didn't have to hunt for shoes or a brush or any of that.

What a contrast to previous Sunday mornings when I'd get NO cleaning or cooking done and would barely get out the door in time for church.  On those mornings I'd be barking at the kids and Hubby and we'd all be so unhappy when we reached church.

So, all in all, I am happy with this goal, this keystone habit.

I am also happy with this decision:

Don't pile extra stuff on top of the goal; if you get extra done, great. If not, no biggie.

I think I should also mention that along with getting up earlier every day this month I have also observed spillover effects from my Keystone Habit of getting up earlier everyday because I now do these two things almost every day, too.  ( But if I don't, I don't beat myself up.)


If you are just getting started in getting goals figured out, let me tell you, it is SO WORTH IT!

PS  I stuck four helpful links in this entry!  I hope you find them and read them when you have the time :)


~ Jennifer

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