Tuesday, January 14, 2014

For Struggling Menu-Planning, Coupon User Wanna-Bes Like Me

Would you rather hear the bad news first or the good news first?

Let's go with the BAD news.

On Sunday I bought a paper.

I brought it home, spread it out on my bed and tried to organize the coupons into piles.

Pile A:  I would use this!

Pile B:  I would NOT use this!

Pile C:  I might use this.  Maybe.

Pile D:  Store sale fliers.

Then my darling two year old came into my room and tried to jump on the bed.  She cried when I would not allow her to rip and crumple the coupons.

Quickly I put all the coupons into a pile on my dresser where they have been for the past two days.  I have thought about them.  I thought about them when I was at the store yesterday, but alas.  That is as far as I've gotten.

Clearly I need a better system if I am to ever use coupons successfully.

That's the BAD news.

Now for the GOOD news.

The good news is:

Numero Uno:

 I found a great ebook about salads!  It's called Salads to Go by Arnel Ricafranca.  Click here to learn more!  As I type this it is free for your kindle.  Yay!  Free!

If you can't get the book, here is the basic principle:  put a olive oil/vinegar dressing on the bottom of a mason jar.   Put veggies, meat and cheese next.  Put salad greens last, with a paper towel on top to absorb moisture.  Take to work the next day.  Shake and enjoy.

Well, I was delighted to find that the dressing recipes were doable.  I have always been afraid of homemade salad dressings.  I took her first recipe and altered it a bit.  I didn't choose all the veggies she recommended.  Instead I tried to find less expensive veggies that would offer similar texture experiences and similar taste experiences.  For example, I subbed in cauliflower for broccoli because my husband despises broccoli but will eat cauliflower.  Also, I omitted the sugar snap peas and went for diced celery instead.

I was pleased that the entire family, except for the two year old DID eat some salad.  Hubby even complimented the salad and Firstborn said she'd take it to school if I'd make it for her.  So that was a win-win.

I still haven't planned my entire menu for the week out.  I was pretty much just trying to buy suitable veggies for the salads that I hope to serve at least three times this week.  That is pretty ambitious for me because we almost NEVER eat salad around here.  Sad but true.

Numero Dos:

I found this really promising site to poke around on.  Click on www.5dollardinners.com to see some great menu planning ideas.  I made Lime Cilantro Chicken and I LOVED it.

So many uses!  You can eat it as Lime Cilantro Tacos or you can stretch it by using the meat in a Lime Cilantro Black Bean soup.  Mmmmmm.  Tasty.


Numero Tres:

This is just a rough draft, might change it up a bit, my menu for the week.  It was really easy to come up with Sunday & Monday since they have already happened!  Yes, I am laughing out loud.

1.  Sunday:  Leftover Mac and Cheese from Saturday got mixed with freshly browned ground beef;  put french fried onions on top and baked.  Ate a yummy salad from a bag that Hubby picked up.  Was inspired to buy my own produce and make my own yummy salads.

2.  Monday:  Cooked up a ham that Hubby had bought because it was on sale.  Served with salad ( see Numero Uno) and potatoes.  No one left the table hungry!  :)

3.  Tuesday:  Ham must be repurposed today.  Ham and Bean Soup.  Salad  ( with olive oil/vinegar dressing, tomatoes, bell pepper & carrots).  Biscuits or Malt o Meal Magic Muffins which taste a lot like cornbread.

4.  Wednesday:  Lime Cilantro Chicken Tacos;  find a yummy coleslaw recipe to serve on the side since I bought red cabbage for going into salads.

5.  Thursday:  Lime Cilantro Chicken Black Bean Soup;  no side of produce because this soup is full of veggies;  serve with crackers, biscuits or the Malt o Meal Magic Muffins

6.  Friday:  Pork Chops in Crockpot.  This is not healthy, but it is EASY.  Dredge chops in flour, salt and pepper.  Brown.  Spread Mustard on Chops.  Put in Crockpot.  Put Cream of Chicken soup over the Chops.  Cook all day.  Serve over rice or potatoes or whatever.  Make veggie to go with.

7.  Saturday:  Spaghetti with a Salad and Bread that has been toasted under the Broiler with a bit of butter and garlic salt.

Well, Littlest is awake!  Guess it's time to post this!  Sorry if there are any errors!

Happy Couponing and Meal Planning to You,

~ Jennifer

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