Saturday, February 8, 2014

A Rant on Being Responsible

The whole point of being an adult is that you are now a "responsible" individual.

You are responsible to figure out how to make enough money to live.

If you do something illegal, you are held accountable.

If you reproduce, guess what?  YOU are responsible for that new life.

And I believe you are responsible to society, too.  You should be a good example to the small people around them so that when they grow up THEY, too, are responsible adults.

Today I was looking through my Facebook account when a picture of a cartoon girl taking her shirt off popped up.  The bottoms of her breasts were clearly visible, not the nipples, but the bare bottoms and it was obvious that she wasn't wearing any panties even though no pubic hair or anything below that was showing.

It really made me angry because the "man" who liked that drawing made it show up not just on my feed but also on my kids feed.  Not cool.

I am trying my level best to raise my kids to "guard" their hearts.  I expect them to see/hear stupid stuff from their peers and I have tried to talk to them about that.  But I do not want them to see/hear it from the adults in their lives.  Those people should know better or I should do a better job of who my kids are around.   Why does my 13 year old boy need to see that and get it stuck in his head?  He can't have sex right now.  He doesn't need a almost forty year old man putting that stuff out there for him to see.

Possible Trigger to follow:

Everybody has their "soap" boxes.  One of mine is pornography.  This is because one of my best friends married a guy who was addicted to pornography  ( she didn't know he had this problem when they got married and to be honest he probably didn't think he was that big of a deal, either) . . .but it was a REALLY big deal.

And then another kid I knew got addicted and that was a big ugly deal.

And just yesterday I read about an eight year old girl who was raped by her 13 year old brother who was exposed to pornography at a friends house.  He thought that his sister would be a good person to try what he'd seen out on because she was smaller than him and couldn't fight back and because she was young and probably wouldn't really remember it anyway.  Sickening.

So this is why I get so angry about people treating something like this like it is nothing.  Because it is, actually a very big something.

~ Jennifer

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