Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Getting Back in the Groove ( Hopefully!)

If you want to see your plans derailed, invest in a toddler.

This morning I set my alarm so I'd get up early.  But I had this little girl snuggled up beside me and I could not get out of bed without her waking up all the way . . .so I told myself that as soon as she went back to sleep I'd get up.  Because, after all, getting up with a crabby toddler would completely defeat the purpose of a nice, quiet time to read my Bible, pray and blog.

I got a much later start to my day than I'd planned!  I'm having to choose not to get angry, panicky, etc.  I don't know what it is about my personality but I really enjoy being able to make lists, do what is on the list and cross it off and I can get really annoyed when someone gets in the way of my lists.

And that someone these days is my toddler.  My toddler is the Queen of Interruptions.  She is super cute, though and that does count for something.  This morning after I got her back to sleep I fell asleep, too.

I woke up to her "Get up!  Get up, Mommy!"  She brought me a book to read to her.

Then she went and got a diaper, but as soon as her old one was off she flipped over so I couldn't put the new one on her and then jumped up and ran around the room, laughing when she finally came back and I threw a blanket on her . . .she just wanted to play.

We came out to the kitchen and got some breakfast going . . .she wasn't really interested in the REAL breakfast and wanted leftover doughnut glaze that we still haven't tossed after the Super Bowl party.  Sissy fixed her some chocolate milk in her sippy cup and she promptly spit a big puddle onto the floor for the dog to lick up.  Then she reached up and unplugged the toaster that is plugged into the side of the island.

And then it was time for me to take off her dress because it had chocolate milk on it.  Imagine that!

The funny thing is this . . .I know that I was on a roll a month ago and somehow checking off my list. So how do I get back in the groove?

I think I'll do it this way:

You see, the girls and I are sitting at the table and they are drinking tea from fancy teacups while I type.  So in a minute I'll be done with this and I will . . .

1.  Talk to them about our goals for the day.  I will explain that I want the house to look nice when Dad gets home from work tonight and that I need everyone's help.  We'll pray before we go about the day.

2.  I will have E go to her room to start on school.  I will see if I can talk Little Girl into wearing more clothes because I feel cold just looking at her!  She wants to run around in her diaper all the time and BRRRRR.  It looks SO COLD.

3.  I will look at my morning routine list and cross off the first few items! Yay!  I have already eaten breakfast, gotten dressed and done my devotions.

4.  I will set the timer for 15 minutes and turn on KLOVE and start to empty the dishwasher.   I will probably need to have Little Girl help me empty the dishwasher.  We'll need to count forks, etc.

5.  Just continue.  Continue, continue.  Switch between cleaning & intentionally interacting with the kids ( checking schoolwork, exercising with the girls, etc.)

6.  Be really happy when the list is all crossed off or the big kids get home, whichever happens first.

7.  This will be easier to do if I sign out of Facebook for the day!  Same with other social media sites, lol.

I hope you gets lots done today if that is what you need to do.  And if you need a down day, that is okay, too.  Take care of yourself!


~ Jennifer

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